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A Break in The Sagittarius Arm!

  Highlights: 1. Break is due to higher angle of Star Formation (SF) region than previously predicted. 2. Found by mapping the radial velocities of stars in the region. 3. The SF region is 44 deg higher than previously predicted giving rise to notion of break in the continuous arm. This illustration shows astronomers’ current understanding of the large-scale structure of the Milky Way. Stars and star-forming regions are largely grouped into spiral arms. Measuring the shape, size, and number of spiral arms is a challenge because Earth is located inside the galaxy. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech   L iving inside the Milky-way Galaxy it is very difficult to observe our own Galaxy. So, most of our understanding of our Galaxy’s structure comes from observation of other Spiral Galaxies. Spiral arms determine how the Star Forming (SF) regions would be. All’ s good here as generally in Spiral Galaxies, SF regions trace the spiral pattern of their respective arms. What changed suddenly? Whi...

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